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This information and design calculators are based upon many years of experience of Plastoglide and Plastoglide Sales (the Companies) in manufacturing and installing Plastoglide. Experience shows that no two applications are the same in every detail so the Companies encourage that every application be treated as individual and unique.
This information is offered in good faith as part of our client service, but favourable results cannot be guaranteed. This information is intended for use by persons with technical skill, at their discretion and risk. The purchaser must determine the suitability of the goods for their intended purpose. The Companies reserve the right to change or amend any recommendation, calculator or specification without notice.
Goods are supplied on the express condition that the Companies’ liability is limited to the replacement of defective goods or materials. The Companies do not hold themselves responsible for any damage, incidental or consequential loss suffered as a result of the use of goods supplied. Acceptance of goods will be held to imply agreement to the above conditions.
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About PlastoGlide
CIP Composites is our flagship thermopolymer, designed for particularly difficult operating environments. Vesconite Hilube is specifically recommended for moist and underwater applications.
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